About District Panchayat, DNH

District Panchayat is established with an aim to develop villages mainly to carry out poverty eradication programs. For the organization, effectiveness, management, and proper care with a view of economic, social, and geographical situations, the District Panchayat is established at all district levels in the entire country. District Panchayat takes policy decisions on the matters relating to Panchayats. The District Panchayat and The Gram Panchayat. Gram panchayat is an important institution of self-government. The Key Roles of the District Panchayat are o supervise and monitor Health and Sanitation across Panchayat areas and allied schemes implemented by the Government, For making recommendations pertaining to public health, hospitals, health centres, sanitation, water supply, vaccination, and family planning and may others.

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Shree Damjibhai Janyabhai Kurada

Shri Damjibhai Janyabhai Kurada


District Panchayat, DNH


Shri Arun Gupta

Chief Executive Officer

District Panchayat, DNH


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